Fri, August 14, 2009, 12:31 PM under
Not sure how many subscribers to this blog are HPC developers, but it is an area I will be covering more next year as I am expanding my responsibilities to include the High Performance Computing domain (which obviously falls under the parallelism umbrella). To get a taste of the kind of work we are talking about, read
Soma's blog post on the current tooling offerings in that space.
Fri, August 14, 2009, 12:25 PM under
Hopefully developers on the Microsoft platform subscribe to the announcements on Soma's blog; if you don't, you may have missed
this post pointing to the
STM.NET dev lab project (this is the 2nd devlab project released from my extended team, the 1st being
Axum). If Software Transactional Memory is your interest, stay tuned on
the team's blog.
( after seeing their logo, I'll now try to take out of my mind the
Atomic tune )
Fri, August 14, 2009, 12:17 PM under
In case my Windows Mobile developer friends have missed this, Loke shares how the
Race is On!
Fri, August 14, 2009, 12:04 PM under
As I was catching up with my RSS reader I found two posts on John Robbins' blog worth mentioning.
One of them starts with a screenshot and mention of my team's Parallel Stacks window – check out
John's blog post on easier multithreaded debugging.
The other
blog post offers a macro for the very common requirement to
Freeze All Threads But the one of interest. The good news for those of you adopting the task-based programming model is that this is a menu item on the ContextMenu of the new
Parallel Tasks window (see last screenshot at the bottom).