Mon, April 28, 2008, 01:04 PM under
Last year I presented for the first time in the Netherlands at
DevDays. This year the organisers invited me back to present 3 talks (different to the 3 from last year) on 22 and 23 May.
Register from here.
I will post on my blog resources for all 3 sessions once they are done, but for now, here are the session times, room and title info:
- Thu,
10:50-12:00, Auditorium,
Introduction to Silverlight 2- Thu,
16:30-17:40, Auditorium,
Five Cool Things to Know and Use for Smart Client Development with VS2008 and the Fx 3.5- Fri,
15:00-16:10, Zaal Forum,
Parallel Extensions to the .NET FrameworkFor the abstracts of the sessions above or to view the full conference schedule, click
here for the Thursday and
here for the Friday. Hope to see you there!