Thu, March 20, 2008, 07:13 PM under
Events |
On Wednesday we had the 1-day free multi-track event in the UK to celebrate the launch of Visual Studio 2008, Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008.
The Windows and SQL tracks basically took the identical slides/demos from the US launch and found local speakers to deliver them. The benefit of that is that the content is not a million miles from the
UK Virtual Launch site (which has the US recordings).
For the Visual Studio track I specified session titles and abstracts for 8 complementary developer sessions and "recruited" top speakers to deliver it. If you were there and need to contact the speakers for resources here are links for finding them:
Guy Smith-Ferrier,
David Gristwood,
Andy Wigley,
Michael McClary,
James O'Neill,
Amanda Silver,
Mike Taulty,
Mike Ormond and