Developer, Former MVP, now at Microsoft - Best of 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
2/29/2012 added some Beta notes inline
Ever since presenting on C++ AMP at the AMD Fusion conference in June, then the Gamefest conference in August, and the BUILD conference in September, I've had numerous requests about my material from folks that want to re-deliver the same session. The C++ AMP session I put together has evolved over the 3 presentations to its final form that I used at BUILD, so that is the one I recommend you base yours on.
Please get the slides and the recording from channel9 (I'll refer to slide numbers below).
This is how I've been presenting the C++ AMP session:
The BUILD recording and slides are valid for the VS 11 Beta and beyond, with regards to C++ AMP - so watch the session and download those slides. Additionally, if you are going to repeat the session, I have updated the slides including some tweaks and you can download the updated deck here (note the slide numbers above do not map exactly to the new deck).
If all you want is a small number of slides, you can take some from the session above and customize them. But because I am so nice, I have created some slides for you, including talking points in the notes section. Download them here.