Vista-only features for the managed developer

Mon, November 13, 2006, 08:10 AM under Windows | Vista
UPDATED on 23 June 2007 with some Plus links and new items 13-15.

Following my Vista session at Tech Ed, I was asked to create a blog entry that indexes all my other blog entries that provide supporting material for the topics I covered. I thought I'd also include topics from my UK version of the talk, which is longer. Enjoy!

1. Glass
Follow this link, to find at the end of the first paragraph a bunch of links to my other blog entries.

2. Task Dialog, CommandLink, CommonFileDialog, cue banner plus Vista TreeView and ProgressBar
Follow this link, for my screencast and 5 links to my blog entries plus this and that.

3. Power aware
Follow this link, for my demo code and a few supporting links.

4. Windows Error Reporting & winqual
Follow this link, for my screencast and for 5 links back to my blog entries.

5. Restart & Recovery APIs
Follow this link, for my screencast and for 3 links back to my blog entries.

6. Restart Manager
Follow this link, for my screencast and a link back to my blog entry.

7. Sidebar Gadgets
Follow this link, for my screencast and 3 links back to my blog entries.

8. User Account Control
Follow this link, for a link to another blog and 2 links to my other blog entries (one of which contains a link to a screencast), plus my UAC category.

Follow this link, for some tips on using the RSS platform including 2 links to my other blog entries. NOTE: RSS API is also available on Windows XP if you have installed IE7.

10. Search
Follow this link, for my demo code and links to other relevant useful info.

11. Non-dev
In addition to the Visual Studio demos above, I also demo the new shell enhancements by going through some of the new aesthetic and usability improvements. Finally, I touch upon the new aero guidelines and also the SKUs.

12. Slides
You can download my powerpoints from the UK msdn page [part 1 & part 2], as presented in October 2006. Plus my slides from the UK Vista launch.

If the links above are not enough, here is a collection of Vista developer links I captured back in May (so I can't promise anything about their relevance now that Vista RTMd).

13. SideShow
Watch the video and follow the links form here, and read bottom-up my SideShow category.

14. Preview Handlers
Watch the video and follow links form here, and also see this.

15. Etc
A couple smaller things that are Vista-only accessible from managed code are WinSAT and Control Panel Items.
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