Thu, September 21, 2006, 01:56 PM under MobileAndEmbedded
At most of my sessions on Vista I make the assertion that everyone has switched to .NET 2.0 and usually I get everybody nodding, but last week someone said:
"No, because it is not supported on Windows XP embedded".

I didn't know that at the time, but looking at the fountain of all knowledge (aka MSDN) I found this download that contradicts that statement: .NET 2.0 for XPe

While following links from the XPe site I also found a chat from a month ago about the longest product name ever:
"Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 Community Technology Preview"

What makes it even funnier is that besides the "2007" in its title, it is actually scheduled for release this year :-))
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